The answer to the question of how often to steam clean carpets depends on the type of carpet you have and how often you use it. For example, a carpet in the living room will need to be steam cleaned more often than a carpet in a bedroom. On the other hand, a carpet in the drawing room will only need steam cleaning on an annual basis.
The best way to determine whether or not your carpets are in need of steam cleaning is by checking the level of dirt they contain. Regular traffic can knock down carpeting and hold dirt deep in the fibres. If your carpeting looks flat and lifeless, you may need to deep clean it. Once it is cleaned, the fibers should fluff back up. Otherwise, you may have to replace the carpet sooner.
You should also avoid walking on a wet carpet. This will cause stains to settle, making them harder to remove. You should also make sure that you dry the carpet thoroughly before vacuuming it. If you can’t get the stain out completely, use a steam cleaner and a drop of Dawn solution.
Summer is a great time to steam clean your carpets. During this time, you can get rid of the buildup that builds up during spring. By cleaning your carpets in the summer, you’ll save yourself a few days of illness. Fall is another great time to steam clean carpets. As the children return to school, it’s the perfect time to revive your home’s appearance.