The first time job seeker act allows jobless Filipinos with certain qualifications to benefit from the program. These requirements include being a Filipino citizen, actively looking for employment, and residing in a barangay. Applicants must present a Barangay Certification that states that they are a first-time jobseeker. It must have been issued within six months before the application is filed. The benefit is valid for a year from the date of the certification.
The First Time Job Seeker Act will also waive the fees of applicants who are applying for government documents. This law will allow job seekers to avail of free NBI clearance and other documents required by government agencies. Since the Philippine government promotes full employment and equality of opportunity, it has enacted incentives that will increase access to jobs. To this end, all government agencies will not be allowed to collect fees from first-time jobseekers.
Under the First-Time Jobseeker Act, government agencies will have to maintain a database listing all first-time jobseekers. This database must be accessible to all agencies. By providing free documents to job seekers, the government hopes to save over P1.3 billion in fees every year. The Act is designed to help first-time job seekers find work and earn a living.
The First-Time Job Seekers Act also waives fees for certain government documents, such as a barangay certification. This certification is essential in proving one’s first-time jobseeker status. Falsifying these documents is illegal and will result in criminal charges.