A simple crack or scrape is enough to leave with a wound, while it can result from infection or burn. While it is possible to treat some wounds at home, some require advanced attention from a wound care specialist Memphis. Reaching out to a specialist is important if you are among those with non-healing wounds.
Your specialist will evaluate your condition before deciding the best treatment. If you are worried about when to see a provider, this article has got you covered. Below are indicators your wound needs assessment from a wound care specialist.
Painful Wound
You should concentrate on the duration and intensity of your pain in hours. If your pain persists, it can indicate your body cannot help heal independently. If left untreated, it will continue to interfere with your daily life.
Consult a wound care specialist to know what to do. Call your specialist if your wound pain persists more than 48 hours after the first injury. A wound care specialist recommends that a wound that does not heal after three weeks and causes pain can be addressed with various medications.
The Wound Is a Deep Puncture or laceration
You should seek medical attention if you have a deep wound and can view fat and other structures like muscles. If it is dirty, it also needs to be rinsed. When reported early, your wound specialist can recommend the right antibiotics.
Serious wounds, if undiagnosed, can cause the need for debridement. Also, a deep puncture is a problem since the underlying organs can be diagnosed. You should see your wound care provider as early as possible.
The Wound Is Not Healing
The wound should show an indicator of recovery within a few days. If you have a chronic wound, it can last for more than three weeks. Thus, you should be cautious if your wound shows no improvement after two weeks.
Failing to receive treatment early can cause your wound to become chronic. A chronic wound is even more complex to treat. The wound requires more than its healing process and other conventional steps you can use to treat normal wounds.
Your Wound Is Linked To Prior Exposure to Radiation Therapy
Usually, radiation exposure can make your body tissues lack the oxygen necessary for recovery. Your wound can fail to heal when there is a break in the integrity of the tissue. However, severe radiation-linked concerns occurring for months after radiation are rare.
However, these concerns affect around 15% of survivors who receive radiation therapy at some point. Luckily, a care provider can help if you develop concerns associated with radiation exposure. They can offer treatment such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy to alleviate the symptoms.
Warmer Skin near the Wound
Sometimes it can be popular for your skin near a wound to experience warmth. If it is warm to the touch without cooling, you may have a problem. Your body may be failing to cool; it can be a sign that your body is generating a way to deal with the infection.
The heat generated causes the release of vasoactive chemicals, surging the blood flow to the area. Your immune system develops more heat by transmitting lymphocytes to puncture antibodies. Your wound care specialist can help you achieve these antibodies to destroy the bacteria.
Wounds that are not healing can deteriorate your overall quality of life. Leaving them untreated can lead to severe complications such as amputation and infection. If you have diabetes and vascular conditions, your wound will likely fail to heal.
Fortunately, there are various treatments you can receive to get rid of the non-healing wound. Depending on your condition, the treatment will vary. Some possible options your wound care specialist can recommend include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, skin grafts, and growth factor therapy.