Dental emergencies should be dealt with with utmost care and attention. If ignored, the consequences can be more severe and expensive to remedy later. So, it’s important that you know what to do in the event of a dental emergency. A dentist may first need to diagnose the problem, then recommend a course of treatment.
In fact, you should seek dental care from a dentist as soon as you are aware that something is wrong. It’s best if you can see the dentist directly. You can click here to learn more about the most common dental emergencies.
A toothache can be the result of a bacterial infection or food sensitivity. It is highly recommended that you consult your dentist at once if you experience a severe toothache that cannot be eased by other means, such as painkillers, or has lasted a long time. You should immediately make an appointment with a dentist if the pain is accompanied by swelling of the face, neck, or lips.
Damaged tooth
A damaged tooth is usually the result of a cavity. This is a very common dental emergency. Severe cases can destroy a tooth and may even require the extraction of the affected tooth to prevent further complications such as pain or infection. You should seek immediate care if you notice any damage to your tooth because the problem can easily spread or develop into a larger problem if not taken care of right away.
Dislodged tooth
If a tooth becomes dislodged, immediate care is necessary because the tooth could easily be swallowed. It can rarely be pushed back in place. If not treated right away, the tissues around the tooth can swell and damage soft tissue and nerves. You should seek emergency care if you’ve been injured in a dental accident or if you woke up to a smile that’s suddenly different.
Failing dental work
Complications caused by undergoing dental treatment are not uncommon. You should consult a dentist right away if you experience complications with your dental work, such as a toothache, swelling, discoloration, or sensitivity. It is very important that you resume treatment as soon as possible so that the problem can be resolved. If you continue to wait, the problem might get worse and more expensive to fix.